After studying all the information of TIPCO juice. I
have the opinion that the manufacturer TIPCO want everyone to focuses turn to
drink juice more and more frequent. Drinking juice regularly very useful to the
body. But I think if you eat a lot of fruit juice may cause more harm than you
think. Firstly, Juice is beneficial to the body. Must be fresh squeezed juice
and not processes food industry Because if through the process then all the
nutrients of the juice is gone. Secondly, Body you have only sugar plus smell
of the fruit and water. The body will not benefit from the nutrients in the
juice as expected. Thirdly, When the body has too much sugar will be obese. It led to many other diseases. If a
diabetic patient, it makes a lot of sugar.Result in adverse complications. Finally,
If you want to drink juice. I should you drink water and eat the fresh fruit because the body is have real food. Including
fiber to aid in digestion and absorption of fats.