Competitors TIPCO.
Mali is a strong competitor in the
market, fruit and drink. Regular market, especially in Mali, with a market
share in the top. Also, after Malee Sampran Ltd. has made
management changes in the fruit juice market with increasing awareness. Have produced in the form of Custom Gift Sets Release 1 lakh copies.
In addition, Mali has also held
promotional activities in conjunction with the seven partners including Casio,
Worth, Diamond baking, makeup Nicole Marie France Bodyline, Internet KSC, Alloy
Auto Express. And women's magazines. Campaign under the title "Double
Double Bonus Mali Dent configuration with 100% juice" to reinforce the image of a modern Mali for Youth new
era in health care. With a budget of more than 15 million baht
Produced by Orchid Foods, whose product
line of beverages including tea, coffee, juice and vegetable juice, and at the
end of last year, sales of fruit juice, 100% and fruit juice mix 40% of the FC
have agreed to the original. Due to the market competition is intense. Although
the distribution of FC will be more than other brands or competitors.